Lyra by Numbers
Over the past 20 years, we've served...
70+ Young Harpists
Lyra's Glissando Program has enriched the lives of over 70 students from elementary to high school in the Philadelphia School District and Bronx School Districts. Lyra happily accepts exceptional learners.
5 Schools and Expanding
Currently serving Central High School, GAMP, Masterman Middle/High School, Philadelphia High School for Girls; Theatre Arts Production Company School (Bronx, NY).
100% of Our Graduates
100% of our students graduate high school and attend college, university, or conservatory - many of whom are first in their families to do so!
24 Published Works
Lyra's Costello Competition published and premiered 24 pieces for harp by young composers.
$125,000 Awards $ Scholarships
Lyra has given over $125,000 in awards and scholarships to our students and alumni.
4,000+ Students
We have reached over 4,000 students in free harp presentations throughout the Philadelphia School District and in the Theatre Arts Production Company School in the Bronx.