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Philly Harp Week

Calling All Harpists!


Summer intensive program of The Lyra Society

August 13-18, 2018

West Catholic Preparatory High School
 4501 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19139
Philly Harp Week is a fun-filled one week day camp week of harp study including private lessons, harp ensemble, electives, music theory classes, and more! The Lyra Society is pleased to bring one of the nation’s foremost harp pedagogues, Robbin Gordon-Cartier as the guest artist and master teacher. Join us for a fantastic week of harp study this August at West Catholic High School in West Philadelphia!

Our Staff

Robbin Gordon-Cartier

Guest Artist and Master Pedagogue

Robbin Gordon-Cartier teaches a harp program in the East Orange School District at the Cicely L. Tyson School of Performing and Fine Arts. She is a Concert Artist/Adjunct Harp Faculty member of Kean University in Union, NJ. Robbin has served as the 2nd Vice-President and Director at Large of the American Harp Society.

Elizabeth Steiner

Co-Founder and Teacher

Elizabeth Steiner enjoys a busy schedule as a freelance harpist in the Philadelphia area and as the harpist for The Rittenhouse Hotel. She has most recently performed as principal harp with the Baltimore Symphony, Delaware Symphony, and Orchestra 2001, among others. She is currently the Executive Director of and a Teaching Artist for the Lyra Society, and is harp faculty at Settlement Music School.

Elizabeth Huston

Co-Founder and Director, Teacher

Elizabeth Huston received her Masters degree from Temple University in Harp Performance. She is currently the Harp Teaching Artist at Play on Philly, as well as a teacher for Community Music School and her own private studio. She has been trained in multiple styles of teaching including Suzuki and El Sistema.

Our Mission

Philly Harp Week serves to continue the educational efforts of Play On, Philly! and the Lyra Society’s Glissando Program during the summer. Since both programs are implemented through the school system, the students have three months away from their instruments. When they return, it takes several weeks, if not months, for them to catch up to where they were technically and musically. This wastes the little time they have, making these programs less effective.
The teaching artists of the POP and Glissando program are banding together to create a new summer harp camp! This is not just for Lyra and Play on Philly kids, but will be open to all harpists. At Philly Harp Week we are employing the best teachers and experienced artistic development staff to give the kids the finest possible experience. There are classes in theory, technique, and repertoire, as well as electives in other artistic and musical areas. The students will have the opportunity to give a well rehearsed performance and gain the self esteem that comes from such an experience.

Proudly Sponsored by the American Harp Society

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“Each Harp teacher took the time to bring the best out of us and we exceeded even their expectation. The small group of young ladies helped us to get to know each other individually. I had a blast can’t wait until next year!” Tayla

“I had a really fun time! I met new friends and learned more pieces. This is a great experience and I can’t wait for next year!” Miriam


Learn a New Instrument: Students in this class will be taught a brand new instrument over the course of the week, and will showcase their new talent at the final concert!

Yoga Class: Students in this class will learn what yoga is and how to do it! They will learn basic yoga poses, breathing, and how this can help them with their harp. Students in this class will be required to bring a change of clothes.

Movie Making: Students in this class will come up with a concept, write a few scenes, and then shoot a short film that will be shown at the final concert.

Improv: Students in this class will learn how to improvise on their harps. This class will also incorporate ear training so they can learn how to figure out their favorite songs without the music!

Music Interpretation: Students in this class will learn how to interpret music in different ways. They will listen to music and tell stories, draw pictures, or learn dances to interpret what they hear.


Schedule: August 13-18, 2018 9 AM – 4 PM Monday-Friday

Final Concert: 2 PM Saturday, August 18th, 2018

Camp Tuition: $300, due on the first day of camp. Please make checks payable to The Lyra Society. Scholarships available.


Please contact the Lyra Society at or by calling  (267) 587-6172.